It is fundamental to all that we do at BEA that our pupils make measurable year on year progress in key functional skills.
Pupils following a bespoke curriculum consisting of four pathways to ensure that we set aspirational goals for our pupils to achieve. This is measured on Evidence for Learning and pupil progress is tracked on a termly basis. For more information about our different pathways, click here.
At the beginning of each academic year we set targets for each pupil for each subject based on our judgement of an ambitious but achievable objective.
Our Post 14 learners access either ASDAN personal progress or AQA Awards, with the addition of NCFE for English and Maths for pupils accessing the Post 14 Careers & Independence Curriculum. Over the past few years all of our leavers have moved on to successful further education placements as a result of well-planned transition programmes.
Transition information, Headline data and Careers can be accessed via the buttons below: