BEA is part of C.I.T Academies
01205 345 045

Curriculum Overview

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My Curriculum My World

The Curriculum for our all needs specialist school helps our pupils to locate themselves Culturally, Scientifically, Geographically and Historically in this richly diverse and rapidly changing part of Eastern England.

The vision for the Boston Endeavour Academy curriculum is to equip our pupils with the knowledge to thrive in the modern world. From youngest to oldest, the learning of our children is consolidated through practical application of their knowledge in our local community.

The curriculum enables our pupils to understand how our landscape has been formed by human endeavour from sea and marsh. It reveals to our pupils how their community have over time and will in the future provide employment and livelihoods for residents of the area. It values the contribution made to the area by a huge diversity of people coming through our port town over hundreds of years and as such is truly global in its scope. It explores the fragility of our environment and the part that we can play in protecting it. It promotes access to the cultural and social capital of the area and the enrichment of our students’ lives.

The Boston Endeavour Academy curriculum prepares our pupils not only to play a fully included part in their local context but seeks to equip them to shape it for the better.

Curriculum Intent

The Boston Endeavour Academy (BEA) curriculum was entirely revised during 2020 and has been significantly developed further in 2022. It is fully consistent with our Mission, Aims and Values which were derived from the collective work of pupils, parents and staff.

Our curriculum is the central tool in our Mission to be ‘a caring and respectful family, committed to maximising the learning and development of our students, supporting them to become happy and fully-included members of their community’.

Governors, Senior Leadership and Curriculum Area Leads have a deep and shared understanding of the role of our curriculum in:
• delivering the subject knowledge which our pupils need to achieve success
• teaching pupils to apply subject knowledge in practical situations through practice and generalisation
• establishing pupils’ confidence in accessing and contributing to their local environment
• enabling pupils to play an active part in the economic and social life of their community
• inculcating fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance

From their first day in school until their last our pupils experience an implicit curriculum characterised by the respect and care they are shown by adults and the high standards of behaviour expected from them.

The curriculum framework is adapted and personalised at a classroom level by our team of SEND specialist professionals, drawing on the advice of external professionals, as required.
If you require further information regarding our curriculum, please click the button to see our Curriculum Coordinators.

Curriculum PolicyCurriculum Coordinators
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