BEA is part of C.I.T Academies
01205 345 045


Policies and documents

All BEA polices will be agreed by the Trust Board or Executive Leadership Team of C.I.T, the Local School Board, or the School Leadership Team.
A number of both statutory and non-statutory polices are covered by C.I.T Trust wide polices and can be found by clicking on the button below:


School specific polices are posted below (this page is currently being updated):

Accessibility Policy
Admission Policy for HAF Vouchers
Assessment, Recording & Reporting Policy
Attendance Policy
Behaviour and Physical Restraint Policy (incorporating Anti Bullying)
Calculation Policy
Careers Policy
Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy
Complaints Policy
Curriculum Policy
E-Safety Policy
EYFS policy
First Aid Statement and Policy
Home School Agreement
Intimate Care Policy
Lockdown Procedures
Lone Working Policy
Marking and Feedback Policy
Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy
Phonics & Reading Policy
Relationships & Sex Education Policy
SEND Policy
Training Provider Access Policy

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